10 things a depressed person want you to know

1. I don’t want to hurt you

Sometimes we push people away – even people we love.
Depression is a very selfish illness and sometimes we push people away because we think we’re protecting them or because we have so much going on inside our mind. We have our own “little” fight with our thoughts.

2. We can’t just snap out of it. 

For some people it’s hard to understand this, but we can’t just snap out of it – our depression. No matter how hard we try – we just can’t.
Depression feels like a constant battle and it’s exhausting.
It takes time.

3. There is not always a reason.

Depression can affect anyone and it’s an illness.
Depression doesn’t have to have a reason to take over your entire body, mind ect.
Sometimes it just show up and stay.

4. Depression and being sad are not the same thing.

Depression and sadness mean two different things.
Sadness is a normal emotion – If something bad happens you might feel sad for a while. But depression can last for weeks, months or even years.
Again – Depression is an illness and sadness is a normal emotion such as being happy.

5. Depression isn’t a choice.

We didn’t wake up one day and said “I want to be depressed.”
We don’t choose to have a low mood all the time. Depression is out of our hands and we can’t do anything to stop it happening to us.
We aren’t weak because we have depression – I actually think we’re strong because we have a fight with out thoughts every single day but we don’t give up.

6. We can feel like a burden and that we?re too much to deal with.

We can sometimes feel we’re too much to deal with.
This is when friends and family need to be compassionate and reassure we are not a burden to them. By letting us know we can talk to them about how we are feeling, we can gain a sense of safety and support around us.
We are not a burden – we have a burden and we need someone.

7. Achievements that you see as small are big to me.

Achieving goals that we set for ourself makes us feel proud.
Other people’s goals may be to get high grades or get a job but sometimes just getting out of bed or talk to someone about how we are feeling is a achievement.
Be proud of us.
These achievements bring us a step closer to recovery and some day we will be able to achieve bigger things, but for now it’s about achieving little things to give us that sense of accomplishment.

8. We can still have good days.

Yes, we can still have good days.
We can have days were we just lay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing. But we can have good days. Days were we can go out shopping with friends and have a smile on our face. Depression is a mixture of good and bad days.

9. We appreciate your kind words and how you’re trying to help.

We know it can be hard to know what to do to help us, but sometimes offering some kind words is enough. It can be hard for us to show feeling of gratefulness but the kindness shown really means a lot to us.

10. We’re tying our best to get through it.

Depression is something we have to work through. Recovery isn’t something you choose once – you have to choose it over and over again.
We can’t just let go and ignore the depression – it’s an illness and we need help.
Depression makes us feel isolated and lonely but having someone by our side makes us feel less alone.

Be patient, we try our best.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJ0yEwyfmdNc-JGYibXGVw

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

In front or behind the camera?

I don’t know what I enjoy the most – Being in front of the camera or behind the camera. I grew up with a father who loved photography.
I remember him always asking me “Can you help me? I think the light is good.” and then he pointed the camera (one of his many cameras) at me. “Turn your head a little.” and CLICK – That was it. Sometimes he only needed one shot.

We sat down in front of the computer and I watch him edit the photo. He told me what he did and asked me what I thought.
We have talked a lot about cameras ect. Lots of roadtrips to nice locations where he took his camera up – again and again. He has taught me so much about photography.

That’s how it started.
I love being in front of the camera because I have so many good memories with my dad and I stop thinking. All the thoughts I normally try not to think about, suddenly stops. I live in the moment as soon as the camera is pointing at me.

And the same when i’m behind the camera. All my thoughts are gone and all I focus is on what my father told me and how it looks.

If I could, I would do this for the rest of my life.. And who knows, maybe i’ll be able to do that for the rest of my life?

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJ0yEwyfmdNc-JGYibXGVw

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

All pictures are mine.


De mørke skyer er min frihed.

“Skyerne ruller langsomt ind over byen.
Den lyseblå himmel bliver snart mørk og grå.
Fuglenes sang stoppes snart og folk gå mod deres varme stuer.

Nu ser jeg muligheden.
Jeg griber fat i den mørke blå jakke på bøjlen og vilker et halstørklæde om halsen.
Jeg sætter mig på sengekanten og bøjer mig frem. 
Jeg tager de gamle slidte snørebånd i hænderne og binder en sløje.

Jeg går ned ad trapperne og tager fat i dørhåndtaget. 
En dyb indånden tages og døren åbnes. 
Jeg træder ud af døren for første gang i flere dage. 

Vinden blæser i mit hår og en dråbe rammer min kind. 
Jeg føler mig ikke længere fanget. 
Jeg tager hænderne i lommerne og jeg kigger ikke længere ned i jorden. 
Jeg er ikke bange. 

Jeg går ned til en nærliggende sø og sætter mig på en bænk. 
Ænderne som normalt svømmer rundt midt på søen, ligger nu i læ under træernes græne. 
Utallige regndråber rammer vandet og skaber tusindvis af ringe. 

Solen bryder gennem de tunge skyer og jeg hører en enkelt fugl synge. 
En andrik og hans mage, samt deres ællinger svømmer forsigt frem. 
Regnen stilner af og flere solstråler spejler sig nu i vandet.
En ældre kvinde og hendes mand kommer gående og ønsker mig en god dag. 
Jeg smiler hurtigt af ren høflighed. 

Jeg løber hjem igen og er endnu en gang fanget på mit værelse. 
Døren er låst og gardinerne trukket for. 
Angsten har endnu en gang vundet over mig.”

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJ0yEwyfmdNc-JGYibXGVw

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

EMPTY STREETS // Sarah Katrine


“I’m walking the empty streets.
You might wonder why the streets are empty.
Let me tell you why.

It’s half past midnight.
No one is up at this time.
Except me.

And now you might wonder why i’m up at this time.
I’m awake because it’s hard for me to fall asleep.
I can lay in my bed for hours with tears running down my face.
Thinking about why, when, what and just life in general.

And this is the only time i can go out and enjoy it.
I can’t walk around like this in the day time.
You might wonder why.
I can’t be outside in the day time because i hate the way people look at me.
I hate when i have to look over my shoulder every second.
I hate when people walk into me by accident.

I hate that my heart beats so fast.
I hate that i can’t breathe properly.
I hate that my entire body is shaking.

But when i walk around in the night time – I don’t feel any of it.
I can walk around without looking over my shoulder.
I can walk around without feeling anxious.

Well…I could.. But then something happened last summer.
Something that made me stay inside all day.
Now i’m scared even in the night time.

And i don’t know what to do.”

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat
Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

Dear Sarah // Don’t give up.


I’m sorry the voiceover isn’t the best – But i tried.


Some people might find it weird that i wrote a letter to myself, but i did it because this is something i wish i’ve heard when i was younger and going through a tough time. Of course i had my family and they told me everything would be fine, but this is different because back then, i didn’t knowwhat was going to happen.
And i know i can’t go back in time and listen to this, but it all made sense in my head.

What i’m trying to say is, no matter what you’re going through, no matter how hard it is – there is always a way away from there.
You’ll grow and it’ll be come easier for you to understand things.
What i’m talking about and not talking about in this video, is something i didn’t understand – and some of it i still don’t understand. But now I know that it wasn’t the end.

Now i’m just dealing with the consequences from what happened when i was younger. But that’s nothing compared to what i was dealing with back then.

Everyone will go through some though times in their life – But it doesn’t have to be like that forever.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat
Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com