When I shoot my own photos.

So a lot of people have asked me who takes my photos, and I take most of them myself.
When I’m with my dad, I sometimes ask him to take a few photos if I want a full length photo of what i’m wearing or something like that. But yeah I take most of my photos myself.

And I made a little video (Watch the video here.) just for fun, so you guys can see how it looks like when i shoot my own photos. And as you can tell I edit my photos.
It’s not because I feel like I need to change anything, but because I have a few spots and scars that can be a bit disturbing to the eye when you look at the photo.
And then I like to bring out my eyes because that is were i want the focus to be (In the photos below) , if that makes any sense.

I don’t mind if people edit their photos, as long as they don’t change too much.
You can edit your skin or whatever, but I like when I can tell it’s you. If we’re talking about a normal portrait.

But photography is art.
You can do whatever you want. There is no rules.
Be creative and have fun.

All photos are mine and I took them myself.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

I’ve grown.

I’m moving on.
I’m moving on from all the bad.

I’ve said goodbye to people who isn’t good for me.
People who, I thought, were my friends.
People who, I thought, made me feel better.

But I’ve realized that they weren’t my friends.
They didn’t make me feel good.
Some talked nonsense behind my back.
Some have tried to start rumors about me.

I’ve realized that I don’t need them.
It took me a while to realize it.
I don’t understand why it took me so long
but it was a lesson.

I’ve learned, I’ve grown. 

The past couple of months have been a little crazy.
I have been confused, frustrated, sad, happy, crying, smiling.
I’ve learned so much about the people around me and myself.
I know a bit more about what’s good for me and what isn’t good for me.

I am moving on. 

I want to say a special thank you to my family and friends for hugging me when things got a bit to much, smiling with me on my good days and talk to me when I needed to talk.

And another special thank you to someone really special, who have helped me open up about some things. You’ve been a really big inspiration to me. I can’t thank you enough.
I’ll see you soon.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog and follow me on my social medias for always believing in me and making me smile on the bad days.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

There’s always at least one who cares about you

I think, we all know, that we live in a world where (some) people tend to try and bring other people down. And it shouldn’t be like that, I think we all can agree on that.

I used to get bullied quit a lot when I was younger. It already started when I was around 5.
It lasted for years, from when I stared school till the day I graduated and it still happens, but I have learned something through the years.


    I know it’s easier said than done – But there will come a day where you will be able to ignore all the negative nonsense people say to/about you.

    I know how easy it is to overthink, when you come back home from school and lay in your bed at night. But try not to overthink it. Just keep thinking about the good things. You might have had a really bad day, but I’m 99,9% sure that you smiled at least one time doing the day. Think about whatever that made you smile.
    If you didn’t smile, I’m sure that something/someone made you feel good.
    Focus on the good – Even if it’s something small.

    It can be hard to talk about something like this, but it needs to be done. Why? So you don’t sit with it yourself. Something that took me years to realize.
    Will it stop the negative nonsense? I don’t know, maybe not, but it’s always good to talk about the things that’s going on. And you can always talk to the teacher at school about what happened and maybe you can help them find a way to stop it. We always tell our parents, sibling or friends about the good thing when they happen. Why not try and do it with the negative/bad things?


    You might feel alone, but it’s just a feeling – In fact there’s millions of people all around the world who is being bullied (Unfortunately). You might know someone who’s getting bullied too, talk to her/him. Talk to the people around you – The ones who really do care about you. There’s always at least one who cares about you, want to listen, want to help.

    Yes, people often judge others by their looks, but you are so much more. You are a human being with a beating heart. You have feelings, you have humor, you have thoughts, you have so much more than just your looks.
    Fine, if people think it’s ok to judge you by your looks, let them. We can’t control them and we can’t force them to get to know us. But if they judge you by your looks, then you know they ain’t worth talking to.

    Imagine two people standing in front of you.
    One of them is talking nonsense about your looks, the other one is just standing, looking in your eyes, trying to have a normal human conversation with you.
    Now, who are you talking to?

    You might feel like defending yourself – It’s normal. But would you rather talk so someone who’s talking nonsense to you, than someone who’s trying to get to know you and don’t really care about the way you look? He/she might think “You have really nice eyes” but don’t necessarily say it because the person is really interested in getting to know you.

There’s always one you can talk to, if you’re going through hard time.
I’m sure there’s a number you can call, if you don’t feel like you can talk to anyone around you.

If you live in Denmark you can always call Børnetelefonen

FEEL FREE TO SEND ME AN EMAIL OR TEXT ME ON MY INSTAGRAM IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE – I might not be a professional but I will always try my best to help.

// Sarah Katrine Jensen
Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com
Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat
Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

I want to get better, but…

I went for a walk last night.
I walked across an empty soccer field.
I stopped.
The sun was setting and the sky was beautiful.

But when I turned around, the bright colors slowly turned darker.
The sky was now covered by dark grey, almost black clouds.

Is it weird, that I was more attracted by the dark side?
Is it weird, that I find it safe?

I know.. I was getting better, but I’m scared. I’m scared to get better.
I’m used to the depression.

But i guess that’s what depression does to you.
It make you push people away and stay in bed instead of going out with friends, make you quirt – You don’t talk anymore – You just feel – Keep it all to yourself.
And it makes you feel safe.

I was standing alone on the soccer field.
I forced myself to turn around. Turn around so I could see all the beautiful colors.
My body was shaking and my mind was going crazy. It was like a war zone.
My mind kept telling me to turn around again. Turn around so I could feel safe.
But I didn’t.

I want to get better, but what if I can’t? I’m scared.
What if the depression is too strong? What if it comes back? Will I still be me, if I get better? Will my family/friends still like me? Am I going to feel alone? Will they leave me?
What if I push them further away? What if they push me away?

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com