When I shoot my own photos.

So a lot of people have asked me who takes my photos, and I take most of them myself.
When I’m with my dad, I sometimes ask him to take a few photos if I want a full length photo of what i’m wearing or something like that. But yeah I take most of my photos myself.

And I made a little video (Watch the video here.) just for fun, so you guys can see how it looks like when i shoot my own photos. And as you can tell I edit my photos.
It’s not because I feel like I need to change anything, but because I have a few spots and scars that can be a bit disturbing to the eye when you look at the photo.
And then I like to bring out my eyes because that is were i want the focus to be (In the photos below) , if that makes any sense.

I don’t mind if people edit their photos, as long as they don’t change too much.
You can edit your skin or whatever, but I like when I can tell it’s you. If we’re talking about a normal portrait.

But photography is art.
You can do whatever you want. There is no rules.
Be creative and have fun.

All photos are mine and I took them myself.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

Copenhagen in black and white// 1

A few weeks ago i was at my dads. Normally we only have a couple of days together but this time we had a week. A week of laughs, smiles and adventures.
My dad lives in the middle of nowhere, so we spend a lot of time in the car or in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.
I took a few pictures and i thought i would share them with you, guys.

I took these pictures at Louisiana, which is a museum of modern art.
Last time I went I was really young and didn’t really care about that kind og art, but now I actually enjoyed it.

This is the English church in Copenhagen. I don’t know much about it, but we walked by the man and the women on the bridge. The man had a danish accent but she had a british accent. The second after i took this picture, he pointed at the church and i heard him saying “So this is the English church.” And the had a long conversation about why there was a English church ect.

And the last pictures in this post is from a beach not far from Copenhagen and close to the airport. It was freezing and i could barely feel my fingers, but i enjoyed looking at the water and the planes that disappeared in the clouds. You can’t see it in the pictures, but Sweden is on the other side. I don’t why but I could stand there for hours and just look at the water, knowing there is another country on the other side. I find it quite fascinating.

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – Sarah Katrine Jensen

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

In front or behind the camera?

I don’t know what I enjoy the most – Being in front of the camera or behind the camera. I grew up with a father who loved photography.
I remember him always asking me “Can you help me? I think the light is good.” and then he pointed the camera (one of his many cameras) at me. “Turn your head a little.” and CLICK – That was it. Sometimes he only needed one shot.

We sat down in front of the computer and I watch him edit the photo. He told me what he did and asked me what I thought.
We have talked a lot about cameras ect. Lots of roadtrips to nice locations where he took his camera up – again and again. He has taught me so much about photography.

That’s how it started.
I love being in front of the camera because I have so many good memories with my dad and I stop thinking. All the thoughts I normally try not to think about, suddenly stops. I live in the moment as soon as the camera is pointing at me.

And the same when i’m behind the camera. All my thoughts are gone and all I focus is on what my father told me and how it looks.

If I could, I would do this for the rest of my life.. And who knows, maybe i’ll be able to do that for the rest of my life?

// Sarah Katrine

Instagram – Sarahkatrinekat

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJ0yEwyfmdNc-JGYibXGVw

Mail – Sarahkatblog@gmail.com

All pictures are mine.